Proton Holdings Bhd has reduced the price tags of its latest model, Proton Inspira , by up to RM2,000 to make it more affordable to Malaysians.
Prices of the new car - a mid sized four-door sedan in C-segment have been reduced from RM79,888 ro RM 78,999for the 1.8 manual transmission model, from RM87,000to RM 84,999 for the 1.8l CVT and from RM94,000 to RM 91,999 for 2.0L CVT.
All prices are on the road with insurance for metallic colours sold in peninsula.
tenet ifa slow gle..xleh tgl jejak nie..huhu
mmg lawa kete ni kan?
woo? reduce by 2000? Ok la tu. Tapi kalau lagi murah kan bagus? :)
Salam AidilAdha, Cuti Dan pendatang
kete paling atas tu la lagi cun... fuhyoooo
greeting friendships and keep be healthy
Follow on google, follow me back, friends and do the same. Carlos from Brazil
bagus...langkah yang baik...
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