Proton Inspira new replacement for Proton Waja.
Although the official soft launch of our much anticipated new Proton Waja 2 Lancer is scheduled to be on the 15th or maybe 16th of October, flyers of the highly acclaimed car has been leaked.
What about the price for our brand new Proton Inspira.
* 1.8 Manual (RM79,999)
* 1.8 CVT Auto (RM87,000)
* 2.0 CVT Auto Premium (RM94,000)
Wait and see for the official launching.
aiseh .. sayang sekali .. dgr dato cakap ini model bukan replacement untuk waja la bro .. saya pun salah sangka gak ...
Lawa la kereta ni.. tapi sebiji dengan kereta import.. takut nanti orang kata copycat.
jerry - yer la jerry, ada rupa kete luar skit ehehe
kalau tayar tu besar sikit lg... mesti lg cun...
Kak Ngah - Tu la kak ngah, sport rim tu kasi besar skit baru mngancam..ehehe
erm chantek kan.. tp mahal dowh..
xmampu lagi kot
hehehe..driu dah tmimpi2..tp ckup skadar dlm mmp sbb nye hrge mau mnitik air mate..keh333333333333
me suy - takpe slow2 la dowh kumpul duit wat dpyment eheheh
Cik Qiqi - insyallah cik qiqi, usaha tangga kejayaan...caiyookk :)
aiyooo.... cntk gak hek... nanti nk beli timbang kilo :P
geram tgk gmbr.. mesti tak dpt gmbr penuh.. huhu.. :)
lawa kereta ni..enjin pown power dah tu...uish..geram2
nice car
pnah naik lancer..
apa2 pun nk test drive inspira ni jgak ^^
salam ziarah menziarah ye...aku punya tnet pagi ni out..slow..gilenye
Proton ispira dh masuk wish list aku dh.. hik3..
caliph - test jgn tak test caliph..
ahmad jo - wish list aku jugak ahmad
salam man..
Nampak cantik model ni..tahniah pada proton cuma harganya agak mahal juga
kete ni mcm kete lancer je.
xtau la if dydy je prasan cm 2.
neway cun!
smart kete
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