In late may of 2006, 2 university students, Timothy Tiah and Cheo Ming Shen sat having a lunch in London.
Exams were looming, but as with all the conversations between these two greenhorns, the topic was enterprise.
Having both experienced entrepeneurship during their student years, they were like over eager bunnies, ready to unleash their ideas on their home markets of Malaysia and Singapore.
It was in this cosy restaurant that the seeds of Nuffnang.com were planted.
The decision was made to start a business, but what business?
Timothy then, had a deep rooted passion in the recent phenomenon of blogging. Having gathered an admirable following of readers with a blog he started with a friend, he lamented over how there was a dearth of relevant and lucrative advertising dollars.
Asia would soon have it's very own blog advertising community.
Months of planning went into Nuffnang.com
And on the business plan, a modest target of 300 bloggers within 3 months had been set.
Even with those targets, there were skeptics, not least the two initiators.
Nuffnang.com.my was launched on 27th Feb 2007 and within the first 3 days, had signed up 300 bloggers. Nuffnang.com.sg was to follow suit 2 months later on the 30th of April.
As from July 2009, there are over 80,000 bloggers in Singapore, Malaysia, Philippines and Australia and Nuffnang has received publicity from all corners, having been featured on mainstream newspapers like The Star Malaysia, and The Straits Times Singapore.
Thousands of bloggers have been served ads by numerous bluechip companies, such as Nike, Citibank, Nokia, F&N, Disney Pictures, Honda, Samsung, Procter and Gamble and many more.
More importantly, the community in Nuffnang has flourished, and it has truly become a focal point for bloggers in Asia Pacific. Our bloggers call themselves Nuffnangers, an organic development that we are proudest of.
Pasaipa aku wat entry pasal nuff ni, sbb nya aku dapat 3 BE terus NUFFNANG bagi, baru td aku perasaan ahahha. so this entry appriciation and thanks for them la. Terima kasih yer En Nuff, rajin2 la bg lagi ehehe. Nak tgk income SukaKereta tak angkat tangan !! ehhe
tipu ni bukan income aku ahaha aku google ja td :P :P :P
3 be tuuuuu. haha untung lah! :D
tahniah abg man dpt triple BE...
tahniah man dapat 3 BE! kongsi cikit yer..hehe
beruntungggg di situ. hehe
pakcik kayo ... ha33
peergghh...tahniah man
untung hang ...
bayar zakat tu bro ..hahaa
salwa - ye untung meniaga la katakan eheh
Cundaa - sama2 sayam ehehe
Cik Azizah - Boleh jom g makan eheh
I am SIlah - alhamdulillah bro
wachak - yo Pakcik kayo ahahah
cikgu bada - terima kasih cikgu bada
hazlan baik - zakat bayar dah aritu bro, nikire duit raya lan ehhehe
wah..best ni bro..lepas raya masih berrezeki..hehe...
perghhh mmg best...shida je xdak g nih aihhh...
wah, untunglah ^^
untunglah abg man , HAHAH ! tiba2 pgl abg :p
tahniah dpt BE ! haishh nk tau jgk sebulan bapa duit nuff ?
jr - alhamdulillah rezeki bro
shida - shida selalu dpt kan, dont worry insyallah dpt lagi la tuh eehh
lily - :)
alia - ye tibe2 panggil abam kan ahahah.. baeik panggil abang syg terus mesti dpt belanja mkn ahahha
best best 3 BE aku 2 BE je . srottt srotttt*kesat hingus . tapi kau tunggu jelah nanti nuffnang terniat nak bagi aku lagi se dua BE ke dak ? habis lahh ko hahahhahahahahhahaahahahahahhahahhahahahhahaahahahahahahahahahhahaaahhahahahhahahahhahahahahahahahhahahaha
dapat 3 BE...boleh laaa share2 ngan kawan2 sikit.hahahaha
waah..best nyer..
paris - alhamdulillah :)
bukanmakcikau - ahaha be dah abis dah nuffnang bg tahu td ahahah
dani - boleh saje abam dani sayam ahah
ladydiana - best2 ehehh
fuu.. income brapa bulan tu ?
bestla man.
ceh..tertipu..huhuh..ingatkan man punya..
apih - selang 2 bulan punya income bro
cikgu den - alhamdulillah dgn blog leh wat duit
mrs yie - ehehhe jgn marah kak ehehe
la ingatkan betul cek tu milik dia..baru nak minta belanja :P
anyway tahniah dapat triple BE :)
sayam abam..nak duit raya
puteri kasih - nuff pon tak byk mcm ni pon huhuu
terbelog - ya adek sayam, nak duit raya ka ahhahaha
wah bestnya... tahniah2..
cuak aku bro..
sy punyer nuffnang ciput je kihkihkih... btw.. i foloooooooo blog ni.. best!
faridah - tq cik faridah
arul - aku pon cuak dpt 3 skali bro ahhaha
yana - tq cik yana :)
memang en nuff murah hati, tahniah:)
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