Toyota Vios TRD Sportivo
The new Toyota Vios TRD Sportivo is here, and it replaces the Vios 1.5S as the flagship model of the Vios range. The Vios TRD Sportivo is estimated to be priced at RM91,204.00 OTR with insurance.

The Toyota Vios TRD Sportivo project started off as a response to customer feedback that they wanted a sportier Vios. This new variant is a development of the 1.5S, the model that it replaces. What you get is a new bodykit, Enkei alloy wheels, door visors, a new interior trim style, and an optional sports suspension kit.
TRD Sportivo is not TRD. It’s a Toyota accessory brand that’s more towards aesthetics. In fact some accessories that UMW Toyota were trying out with the Vios TRD development cars such as the air filter did not make it to this production car that will go on sale. Even the different exhaust system from the development cars did not make it to the production car. UMW Toyota says they did not want to touch those to keep the regular Vios 3 year and 100,000km warranty.

Toyota Vios 1.5G Limited
Today, UMW Toyota Motor adds another version – the Vios 1.5G Limited – to make it six and this new version takes its place between the flagship Vios 1.5 TRD Sportivo and the Vios 1.5G.

Price for Vios TRD Sportivo (AT) - RM 91,204.00
Price for Vios G Limited (AT) - RM 88,804.00
For more info go to Toyota.com.my
Da price da price! hAHAHAahah~
OMG Rm91K??mana aku mau paw duit sebanyak tuh T_T..
susunan kat dalam begitu kemas dan elegan..sesuai untuk golongan korporat yang sederhana..golongan keparat pi jauh2 hahaah
i like white colour...
i like black..
mahalnerr la.. kene tuggu 20 thun bru boleh beli..hehe
abg man..apakah itu TRD sebenarnya? aerokit? blank T___T hehehe.
Hurmm, org kata, bila salu sebut,pasti satu hari nnti dpt. Moga2 suatu hari lana dapat memiliki mana2 keta Toyota :)
liyana - price ada kat bawah skali eheh... excited mcm nak beli jer ni
SYuk - huhu ni info ja syuk siapa2 leh dtg syuk tak kira golongan koporat dan lain2 ehehhe
cundaa - i like black colour and silver colour ehehe
Aleyaa - uit lama nya 20 tahun eheh
lana - TRD tu utk sporty version nyer :)
haha..aku dah jadi rambang mata dah ni...
skali tgk kaler putih tu tingat plak kt civic type r ^^
khairil - ahahha tu la bro ..nak pilih mn satu pon pening dah eheheh
Caliph - nampak dr jauh kot caliph. Civic type r aritu lagi mantap bro
cantik la kereta ni..bila la agaknya nak beli kereta..hmm
syira suka brand toyota.
warna ungu mengancam..muehehe
tgk pada harga memang berbaloi...huhuhhuhu....spec pun superb....arghhhhhh...tunggu kete malaysia ni abis bayar 3 tahun lagi laa..
rite.. type r tetap di hati :D
omaigod..omaigod. lawa giler, sama lawa ngan harga. hahahh
perghhh....harga terbaik lah..dah leh buat sambung belajar dah tu.haha
Lawat ZouL di : Aku Punyer Lah!
saya suka myvi yg baru nie... smart..
nk kereta ni sebijik boleh? HEHE :P
liyana - beli la cepat2 camtu jgn tunggu lg
syira - peminat unggu yer.. dah beli nanti bg tahu yer nak tumpang ehehe
harazzdani - oo ada 3 tahun lagi ka bro... kasi lego skrg la ehehhe
caliph - yup bro type r tetap di hati ehehe
nadia - omg omg ehehe
zoul - harga mmg leh wat smbg beljar siap skali ngan master bro ehehe
wan 9 - yup myvi baru mmg smart
nur ain - 2 bijik pon blh ehehe
ha'ah toyota vios trd ni aku nampak mmg marveloussssss... tapi err tapi.. aku peminat Honda :D
ayooo...manyak minat la ini hehe...
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