"As a team selection and playing at home, they also must stress," said Olympic coach, Ong Kim Swee (picture) on the action going through the opening clash of Group C, qualifying the London Olympics in Tosu Stadium tomorrow.
According to him, is not easy for a team is getting beat in the first game of a tournament and he hopes his men can take every opportunity to punish the squad terhidang operated Blue Samurai Takashi Sekizuka.
"We do not choose the team, no need to dwell on is the strength of your opponent. I just want to concentrate on their own strategies and hopefully we can take a point from this match, "he said, contacted the Metro Arena in Fukuoka yesterday.

However it was not easy because the Japanese are eyeing a dream to play in the Olympics for the fifth time in a row will be the main obstacle in addition to two other representatives from Arab countries - Syria and Bahrain.
Kim Swee who are already in Japan since last Friday, said his men are ready to face Japan Prepare for some affected even when the main pillars Irfan Mohd Haikal Faza'il and Wan Wan Nor Zack injured.
"Irfan and Wan Zack is training with the team today (yesterday). I will monitor the level of injury and will decide whether to drop the match soon after a training session tomorrow night (today).
"The absence of these players but I felt there was another player who can replace them as a Thamil Arasu and Zaharulnizam Wan (Wan Zakaria).
"To me, all players are ready and in terms of strategies of all players to understand when we were training in Slovakia again. Here I am only polishing and improving some weaknesses, "he stressed.
When asked about the response of the Japanese population there, especially the local media in the presence of the country's Olympic squad, Kim Swee said he did not allow outsiders to follow their training.
"I do not allow the Japanese media covering the training sessions since we arrived here, I do not want to upset the players. I only allow them to come tomorrow (today), "he said, would lead his men to test the competition venue, Tosu Stadium for the first time today.
Champion of each group qualify automatically to the London Olympics while the runner-up will compete again to determine where in the play-off match against a representative from Africa to balance the other slot.
tadi ada dgr kt Hot fm ckp coach dia xbg pemain kna interview..huhuhu
sy xtau sgt psal bola ni..
tp sy minat amirulhadi.. huhu
Kunjungan silaturahmi di SukaKereta...
Assalamu'alaikum sahabat
wan zack ngab irfan tak main..
striker sok letak sorang je.. uhuk..
apapun, big roar tiger..
akuachik - yup2 ong kim siew berahsia skit ngan kekuatan pasukan kita
Webmdmk - waalaikumussalam sahabat.
cayzal - ya ada dgr jgk dia injured.. hope bolh main la esok..key player jgk tu
must watch! good luck malaysia~
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